Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)

What is the LTCP?

The Long-Term Control Plan is a federally mandated program to eliminate combined sewer overflows and prevent raw sewage from spilling into local rivers and waterways. This pollution can happen during times of intense rainfall or heavy snowmelt when combined sewer lines, which collect both stormwater and untreated sewage in a single pipe, can become overwhelmed.

Simply put, the LTCP will keep our local rivers cleaner and safer.

The City of Huntington’s LTCP consists of nine projects originally designed by Fort Wayne-based firm The Bonar Group to meet all federal and state requirements under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Water Act and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s Combined Sewer Overflow Program by a 2026 deadline. There have been several amendments to the original plan as projects were further developed and refined.

The first six projects were completed between 2012 and 2019 and consisted of:

  • Project #1
    Replace cover on south Anaerobic Digester Cover
    Final Cost: $1,350,000
    Project Completed: December 2012

  • Project #2
    WWTP Improvements Phase I - Includes the installation of new influent screens, grit removal, Rotary Drum Thickener, new north anaerobic digester cover
    Final Cost: $12,019,000
    Project Completed - December 2013

  • Project #3
    Rabbit Run Phase I - Installation of a CSO screening structure and the new 2.25 million gallon CSO storage tank. This project also consisted of the installation of flap gates at CSOs 003, 005 and 007.
    Final Cost: $15,008,000
    Project Completed: November 2016

  • Project #4
    Southside Interceptor - CSO interceptor along William, Clark and Frederick streets that eliminated overflows from CSOs 003, 005 and 007. This interceptor begins at S. Jefferson St. and the Little River and runs along the listed streets to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
    Final Cost: $7,253,000
    Project Completed: April 2014

  • Project #5
    WWTP Improvements Phase II - Improvements and upgrades to the Rabbit Run Lift Station mechanical and electrical systems. Rehabilitation of the WWTP outfall sewer and cleaning and rehab of the existing Northside Sewer Interceptor.
    Final Cost: $4,100,000
    Project Completed: May 2020

  • Project #6
    CSO 008 Sewer Separation - Installation of new storm sewer along East State Street from N. Jefferson Street to Briant Streets. This also included the separation of Byron, Whitestine, Lee, Edgerton and Briant streets. Along with this was the installation of new sidewalks along most of this route and street reconstructions.
    Final Cost: $4,030,000
    Project Completed: January 2020

Work on the final three projects began in Summer 2022. These final projects are on track to be completed before the 2026 deadline.

Projects 7 and 8 will begin at the Waste Water Treatment Plant and follow approximately 2 miles along Hitzfield, West State, Lafontaine, Tipton and Division streets, ending at the Division and Canfield intersection. These projects will consist of the installation of a sanitary sewer interceptor ranging from 36” to 72” in diameter, complete street reconstruction and sidewalk replacement along the route. Water main replacement and upgrades will also be occurring along the route where needed.

Project 9 will consist of the construction of a new chemical feed building at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. This final part of the LTCP is scheduled to begin alongside Projects 7 and 8.

  • Project #7
    New sewer interceptor from CSO 015 to CSO 003- This project includes the installation of a 60” sewer interceptor underneath Lafontaine Street (State to Tipton), Tipton Street (Lafontaine to Division) and Division Street (Tipton to Canfield).
    Estimated Completion: Fall/Winter 2024

  • Project #8
    New sewer interceptor from CSO 003 to WWTP – This project includes the installation of a 72” sewer interceptor from State and Lafontaine along the railroad to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
    Estimated Completion: Fall/Winter 2024

Projects 7 and 8 Overview

  • Project #9
    CSO tank disinfection – The project consists of the installation of a disinfection system, building and monitoring equipment for the disinfection of the effluent from the 2.25 million gallon CSO tank.

    Estimated Completion: December 2024

Additional Work to be Included

  • Extending the interceptor CSO 016 - $4,043,394
  • Fiber Optic lines to CSOs – $316,250
  • CSO 009 Interceptor - $437,607


Informational Websites: