Mobile Home Permits

Mobile Home Permits are issued in the County Treasurer's office for Moving and/or Transferring Titles. All taxes must be paid in full for the year to receive a permit. The Title must be presented to the Treasurer's office by the SELLER in order to receive a permit. Once the Title is changed and received from the BMV a copy of the NEW TITLE should be sent to the County Assessor's office.

Also for a purchase contract a seller must provide a copy of the title to the manufactured (mobile) home and the contract must specify whether the seller or buyer is responsible for the payment of property taxes assessed against the home.

The buyer must record the contract in the county recorder's office

IC 36-2-11-14.5 (recorders chapter) requires the following:

(c) A person must do the following to record a purchase contract that is subject to IC 9-17-6-17:
        (1) Submit the following to the county recorder:
            (A) A copy of the title to the manufactured home or mobile home.
            (B) An affidavit stating whether the contract requires the seller or the buyer to pay the property taxes imposed on the manufactured home or mobile home.
        (2) Pay any applicable recording fees.
    (d) The county recorder shall record a purchase contract submitted for recording under IC 9-17-6-17 by a person who complies with subsection (c). The county recorder shall do the following:
        (1) Provide the following to the county treasurer with respect to each contract recorded under this section:
            (A) The copy of the title to the manufactured home or mobile home received by the county recorder under subsection (c)(1)(A).
            (B) The affidavit received by the county recorder under subsection (c)(1)(B).
        (2) Notify the township assessor of the township in which the mobile home is located, or to which the mobile home will be moved, that a contract for the sale of the mobile home has been recorded. If there is no township assessor for the township, the county recorder shall provide the notice required by this subdivision to the county assessor.

IC 6-1.1-12-37 In order for a person to get a homestead deduction in conjunction with a mobile home the owner must attach a copy of the owner's title to the application for the deduction. See County Auditor for deductions.