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Huntington County Public Safety Dispatch

Dispatchers Save Seconds, Seconds Save Lives
Our dispatch center dispatches the following Departments:
  • Sheriff's Department
  • Huntington City Police
  • Huntington University Police 
  • All Town Police Departments
  • All County Volunteer Fire Departments
  • Huntington City Fire Department
  • Medical Calls for the County
  • Department of Natural Resources units in Huntington County
  • Huntington City & County Animal Control Officers
  • Huntington County Emergency Management
911 Tips

When to call 911:

  • If you see a crime or a victim of a crime
  • Fires (All fires are emergencies)
  • Serious injuries, illnesses, poisoning, or gas leaks
  • Severe weather (tornado, funnel clouds)
Do not call 911 for non-emergencies such as:
  • Lost pets
  • Noisy neighbors
  • Other minor complaints
  • To test your phone
If you need to talk to police or fire officials about these sort of things, use either of the 7 digit non-emergency numbers listed below.
  • (260) 356-8316
  • (260) 356-7110
When calling 911 from a cell phone:

Cellular telephones provide a unique challenge for 911 dispatchers. The dispatcher can see only your cell phone number, not your location. Remember that when you call 911 from a cell phone, you may be talking to a dispatcher in another community that may not be familiar with the area you are calling from. Here are some things to remember

  • Try to always know what road you are on.
  • Look for landmarks that may help the dispatcher.
  • Know the closest town or major highway to where you are.
  • Stay on the line until the dispatcher knows your location.
When in doubt, Call 911.
Questions or comments? Contact HCPSD Director Tim Allen via email at