Memorial Hills Disc Golf Course

About This Location

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Welcome to Memorial Hills Disc Golf Course, located in Memorial Park!

Click HERE to print a course map

FAQ's about disc golf:

What is Disc Golf?

Disc golf uses the same principals of play as regular golf, but instead of using clubs and golf balls, the player throws a disc (Frisbee®) from a tee pad to a basket on a pole. The score is based on the number of throws it takes to get the disc to land in the basket.

Will I need special equipment?

Special weighted discs are preferred by disc golf pros, but you can use a regular Frisbee® to play. The special discs can be purchased at local sporting goods stores.

Do I need to make reservations?

The Memorial Hills Disc Golf Course is open to the public 365 days a year on a first come, first served basis free of charge during park hours (dawn to dusk).

What are the rules of disc golf?


Basically the same as regulation golf: The object is to get the lowest score possible. Each throw counts as one point. Each hole has a par score, the number of throws expected to get the disc in the basket.

Tee Throws:

Throws must be completed within the tee area (concrete pads at Memorial Hills).

Fairway Throws:

Fairway throws must be made with both feet no closer to the hole than where the disc last landed.

Putt Throws:

Within 10 yards of the pole, falling or jumping putts are not allowed.

Out of Bounds:

A throw that lands out of bounds must be played from the point where the disc went out of bounds, and a one-point penalty is incurred. Water hazards and public roads are always out of bounds.